Interview with VIII: Ether Founder

VIII is a popular artist and founder behind anime project, Ether, we ask him a few questions in this interview

VIII is a popular artist and founder behind anime project, Ether, we ask him a few questions in this interview


Posted on Nov 6, 2023

VIII is an artist on X that originally amassed a big following in the esports industry creating art for many massive content creators. He has went on to work with popular companies like Nike, and other celebrities like Megan Thee Stallion.

He is the founder behind anime collection, Ether, and the artist behind Timeless — another anime collection under the Endless Clouds ecosystem.

Ether is a collection that seeks to delve into clothing, merging digital; physical worlds together, expanding the IP, storytelling and community as reported on their official website.

We ask VIII a few questions below where we summarise the answer he also answers them in detail in an audio interview here.


What does the "new start" for Ether mark?

I think more than anything its a clean slate, The team has gone through a lot of changes to finally find something that now works for us and now we're able to produce great content and products for people. I think the staking system will be quite revolutionary, as well as the reward system that we're coming up with for users at the end of the staking period.

Thinking a few years from now, what do you envision the project to look like?

I envision ETHER becoming one of the most unique and sought after luxury brands in the entire world. I really do think ether benefit is the fact it is artist led, and has a team of strong creatives that can create content that consumers can bond with.

If someone was hesitant jumping into the project, what would you say to them in one paragraph?

Well first of all, I would say i completely understand the hesitation - the release of the project went rocky, and as the CEO i am to blame for not finding the correct team members pre-mint HOWEVER, there is a functioning team but also a effective communication method between employees to ensure high quality high speed delivery of content and products.

You had an audience before launching an NFT project as a notable artist, what advice would you give to other artists who look up to you?

I think this is a great question and can sort of be split into two questions. What advice can i give to artist/creators who look up to me - but also advice to creators looking to create a project.

Answering the first, I think the best advice i can give to artists and creators who want to make a name and pave something for themself is to believe in yourself. What matters more than anything, is your belief in yourself as a creator and artist - if you do not believe in yourself and your ability to adapt , how and why would others?

Set high goals, but put the work needed to achieve them. And to answer the second, know what you're getting into. As an individual creator/artist - you are in power but when you create a project, and set expectations you no longer have the same amount of freedom as before. I know this sounds obvious, but it hits hard (well it did for me atleast since i've remained an individual entity/artist for years).

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founder @EndlessCloudsHQ & @tryPluid 🤖 i am a jpeg enthusiast and write stuff